We have just won our second siege victory in the history of our clan!
Our stronghold is upgraded to level 3. Special thanks to scrub for his generous donation. Thanks to everyone else who donated as well.
Remember the days when this web site had a single page about raid shadow legends? Not any more. We now have a whole menu bar dedicated to the topic.
I am doing a lot of editing on the members section of this web site. For this reason I don't have time to edit information on our current siege but last time I checked we were in prep phase.
Official Plarium video
Official video
A great way to learn about siege is to read the official documentation.
I hope that we can developer a sort of "hive mind" as we learn to work together. This is explained in the next section.
I hope that members of our clan can see something that needs to be done in siege and just do it without being told. I hope that when clan members are out of resources they suggest to our fellow members in chat things that need to be done. Together in this way we can form a sort of collective hive mind. This is our collective consciousness so to speak.
If you click on Siege you will see the map of our clan fortress. In the upper left hand corner of the map is a little "i" you can click on that and it will bring up the information page for this new siege clan activity. You can also get to the same page by clicking a button in the first subsection of this article about siege.
Also in the upper left hand corner of the clan fortress map there are two important numbers in magenta. These are the number of defensive team slots currently ocupied and the total number of defensive slots available.
Up at the top of each structure are two flags. These are controlled by clicking on the building and then clicking on "upgrade". From there you can click "order repair" and order defend. I am not sure exactly what these do but they might be a way for deputies to communicate plans with the rest of the clan.
All you need to do to collect rewards in siege is place a team in a defensive team slot during the prep phase. The prep phase lasts 12 days.
If you place a team you get your milestone rewards. You also get mana orbs if our mana shrines or stronghold survive. You also get mana orbs if our clan destroys their mana shrines or strongholds.
New members are strongly encouraged to place teams in the clan fortress. Failure to do this indicates lack of participation especially for new members. We really need your help.
Veteran members are also encouraged to place teams. Veteran members will not be removed from the clan if they don't want to play siege, but we wish you would choose to play.
Each of us gets siege Def Scrolls. The number depends on your position in the clan. Everyone gets at least two scrolls.
You can click on a building and add your team to the garrison as long as you have any siege Def Scrolls left.
From the bastion if you click on battles you will see a list of different types of battles. You will see campaign, dungeon and so on. Siege is the battle on the far right hand side of this list. Click on Siege, a map of our clan fortress comes up.
Again in the 12 day long prep phase you can move your teams around. If you move a team out of a building or post your siege DEF scroll gets refunded and you can use it someplace else.
As your clan leader, I suggest that our main objective in siege is to build a powerful clan fortress.
Imagine all our buildings raised to level three and with really nice bonuses set on every building. Imagine every post with a team in it and a really tricky condition set.
Be warned that you can't upgrade a destroyed building until after you repair it first, but you can still donate florens to the upgrade fund of a destroyed building.
Some of us have a favorite building in our clan fortress. If you like a particular building feel free to move into it and repair it. Then you have the right to give it a name!
My suggestion is that clan members let their hearts be their guide as to where they want to donate their florins.
During the 12 day prep phase an important goal is to repair and then upgrade our stronghold. The stronghold when repaired gives gives every building in our entire clan fortress a bonus.
Our stronghold has been repaired this prep phase.
Having a repaired stronghold is a matter of pride for our clan. When we repair the stronghold it makes our entire clan fortress stronger. We are then able to use our mana orbs to set bonuses in our stronghold which apply to every building in the stronghold.
Our stronghold is currently level 2. Other buildings can be upgraded to the level our stronghold.
So far our mana shrines have never been destroyed
Our mana shrines should be defended at all costs. If the mana shrines survive a siege battle the reward is mana orbs. We get 130 orbs each or 260 orbs for defending both shines succesfully.
Defended mana shrines bring in 130 mana orbs each. A defended stronghold only brings in 75 mana orbs. Mana shrines are important because if we succesfully defend both of them every member of our clan that places a team in a defensive team slot or wins at least one PvP slot offensive battle gets 260 mana orbs which come in really handy in siege.
In the video you can see by clicking the button at the bottom of this subsection it shows exactly how to repair a building. It just repairs itself once enough florens have been donated.
Our stronghold costs 350 florens to repair.
Mana shrines cost 140 florens to repair.
Magic towers cost to 125 florens to repair.
Defence towers are 70 florens to repair.
I was able to repair magic tower 1 without any difficulty. The only hard part is getting the florens we need.
Here are step by step directions. If you click on a building in the siege map a window will open. There is a button over on the top left of this window that says "update". You click on that update button both to update and repair.
Once you click on that first update button another window opens up. You will see two donate buttons. The upper donate button has the word upgrade above it. The lower donate button has the word "repair" above it. Hit the donate button you want and yet another window opens up. Type in the amount you want to donate. Then you can donate your florens by hitting the button.
Here are step by step directions. If you click on a building in the siege map a window will open. There is a button over on the top left of this window that says "update". You click on that update button both to update and repair.
To put it another way, where do we donate our florens?
This is something we should decide together as a clan. Where we decide to put our florens is less important than that we all pool our resources.
Right now I am set up in magic tower one. I have repaired it and set up a bonus.
This is the final defense of our stronghold.
According to this defense strategy our strongest teams belong in our stronghold. defending the stronghold is our top defensive priority!
If our stronghold gets destroyed in the battle phase, it will cost 350 florins to repair it.
Those of you who feel your place is in the stronghold by all means set up your team there.
if we successfully defend our stronghold we get 75 mana orbs.
Defending the mana shrines is our second priority.
We currently have only two buildings left in our clan fortress that have never been destroyed. These are our two mana shrines.
We get 260 mana orbs by defending both our shrines. That is 130 mana orbs per shrine.
If a mana shrine gets destroyed it costs 140 florins to repair it. This is 280 florins in repair costs if both are destroyed.
Again, I suggest that we can defend our mana shrine buildings in upcoming battles at all costs.
There are only three ways into the clan fortress. Post 2, Post 3 and Post 5.
In our clan we call the right side of the map the "east side." So Post 5 can be called "the east gate." Post 2 can be called " the west gate" and Post 3 can be called "the docks."
I like it when a really strong player decides to move into the post 2, the "west gate" position in the preparation phase of siege battle. This is the only direct access to the west side of the river.
If the defender of Post 2, the west gate has a small personal cash of mana orbs they can use them to "set conditions" on their post to make it even harder to take.
In theory if the enemy can't take one of these three posts they can't destroy any buildings. But this should only be our first line of defence. We might not be able to stop them at our front lines. In order to shut them out of our clan fortress we would need three teams so powerful that they don't have a single team that can
As your clan leader I suggest that our primary goal in playing siege is to build a really powerful clan fortress.
Sandbagging may help us to achieve this goal.
However the cost to repair buildings has been reduced by 93% since the first version of this article was written. This means that much less damage in terms of florins will happen in each siege battle.
This gives less incentive to lower our ranking and face weaker clans than we had before. This is because repair costs are so much lower now.
Also higher tiers have better rewards. So having a lower ranking in siege has drawbacks as well as advantages.
Temperance can be defined as moderation in most things. For example eating to much food is bad, but not eating enough food is also bad. Temperance in eating would mean eating just the right amount of food, and not too little or too much.
Greed is a deadly sin. As long as we don't get greedy, wanting to get too many florins we will be fine.
By practicing the virtue of temperance we can get some florins but not so many that we pick up too many "victory points" and thus weaken our clan fortress in future battles by attracting more powerful teams.
Now that the cost to repair buildings has gone down by 93%, this becomes less of a consideration.
With each siege battle, some damage is done to our clan fortress. At the same time some florins come in. If the damage done to our fortress is more than the florins we bring in we will never be able to rebuild our beloved clan fortress. It means that we have a negative florin flow.
That is why it is might be useful in some cases to avoid getting to many victory points. Victory points increase the power of the team we will be matched against in the next siege battle
Siege "victory points" work a lot like classic "arena points." When you fight a PvP battle in either case you get positive points if you win and negative points if you lose.
In other words it might be a good idea to lower the total number of victory points we get in siege battles so that we face weaker opponents with poor communication skills, that will do less damage to our clan fortress. If a siege battle produced a negative total on "victory points" it may help our clan in the long run.
Sandbagging is the term our clan uses to mean deliberately losing some individual PvP team slot siege battles to get our clan to a lower "victory point" level.
he sad thing is that the more PvP battles we win in siege, the more damage we will receive in the next siege battle. This is because the higher we go in siege "victory points" the more powerful the team we will be matched with in the next siege battle. This is because team matching is based on our cumulative "victory points".
Ever notice that a lot of people put an extremely weak defensive team in the classic arena battles? This can be an effective tactic.
The true goal of arena battles is to get classic arena medals that can be used in the great hall to boost the stats of each of the four factions of champions.
Unfortunately the higher you climb in ranking the fewer battles you will be able to win with each refresh you do.
That is why putting a really weak team in as the defenders on the classic arena makes a lot of sense. Lose battles, go down in rank, get more medals to spend in the great hall.
Every time you win a team slot PVP battle in siege, either offensive or defensive you win some of these nasty little "victory points."
Every time you lose a battle you lose "victory points".
If the enemy team attacks one of the your defensive team slots and loses that counts as a defensive victory. Also if your defensive team survives the entire siege battle, that counts as defensive victory and you get victory points.
Winning an offensive battle agenst a enemy team slot gets victory points. If you lose an offensive battle you lose victory points. You get three replays and if you lose a battle and then lose the replays it means more negative victory points.
We might want to think about in some cases limiting our number of these cumulative "victory point" to be negitive so that we only get matched with teams that will do little damage to our beloved clan fortress.
Looks like in tier 2 you get 2 victory points for a team slot PVP win and a victory point is subtracted when a defensive team slot PVP is defeated.
Remember you also get "victory points" if a position you set up survives the battle, just like if a enemy team member attacks your defensive team slot and loses.
We also get 20 victory points is if we win a siege battle.
There are also "victory medals". Medals are different than points. These will be reviewed in the next section.
Note that victor medals are very different from victory points. Victory medals are obtained by achieving certain objectives.
Victory medals are kind of like the points you get in Clan vs. Clan. They help you get milestone rewards. But, unlike "victory points" they don't stick around from siege battle to siege battle.
There are two requirements "win" a siege. You need to get more victory medals than the other team. The second requirement to be declaired "winner" of the siege is to destroy the opponents stronghold. You have to do both to "win".
"Winning" a siege battle mighty actually really hurt our clan and keep us from achieving our main objective which again is to build a really powerful fortress.
You get mama orbs from not having your stronghold destroyed. You also get mana orbs when our mana shrines are not destroyed.
Unfortunately you have to win at least one battle go get any rewards. But winning to many battles, in terms of getting to the goal of building a powerful clan fortress can be counter-productive.
f possible everybody should win at least one offensive PvP team slot battle. You need one victory to collect rewards.
Say you are in tier 2 and you win a team slot PVP match, that gives you +2 victory points.
If you lose your other two offensive battles that is minus one victory point each. If you then re-battle 3 times that is -3 more points for a total of -5. So factoring in your one offencive win (2 - 5) is a total of -3 victory points.
Then there are the defensive battles. We get two siege DEF scrolls that let us set up two defensive positions. Some of us are going to need to win defensive battles if we want to hold our stronghold and mana shrines. For those of us who hold a defensive position that is another +2 points. For those of us that put weak teams into defensive slots, which are if no strategic imoortance mana wise, that would be another-2 victory points.
This means that some of us could get (-3 + -2) for a total of -5 victory points.
Of course we need strong players to defend the stronghold and mana shrines. Some of them will get two defensive victories which would give us +4 victory points on defense. Hopefully the weaker players can to there part to cancel this out.
In conclusion our lust for florins can bring too many victory points that hurt the clan by bringing us up in the rankings and forcing us up against more powerful clans that will do more damage to the clan fortress.
I wonder what other members think of this idea.